Business ideas for Accounting Firms of next generation

Business Development Ideas For The Next Generation Of Accounting Firms

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As technology continues to advance and industries evolve, the accounting industry is no exception. With the rise of automation, cloud computing, and other technological advancements, the next generation of accounting firms must adapt to keep up with the changing landscape. This means embracing business ideas for accounting firms and new strategies to stay competitive and relevant. In this blog, we will explore some kaizen for accounting departments for the next generation of accounting firms to consider as they look to grow and thrive in the modern business world.

All over the world, accounting companies are adapting to the changes that come with the rise of technology. Accounting companies aren’t the same as they used to be. Instead of handling a stack of paper bills and bank statements, they now use digital technologies and sustainable business practices. 

Sage recently did a survey of 3000 accountants. Of those accountants, 90% think that there has been a change in the field’s culture, and 85% agree that the profession needs to adopt technology faster if they want to stay competitive. 

If you run an accounting company and are looking for ways to make more money and lower your overhead costs, here are some easy ways to grow your business. These can help you keep track of your job, get more done, and grow your business. In this post, we’ll talk about these problems and needs:

  • Why should accounting firms pursue innovation?
  • How can accounting firms have areas of improvement for their business?
  • Business development ideas for accounting firms
  • what are some accounting strategies?
  • How can accounting firms simplify complex business processes?

Also Read: How Automation Will Change The Job Market

Why Should Accounting Firms Pursue Innovation?

We’ve all heard the saying “Slow and steady wins the race,” and it probably made sense when companies grew more slowly a few decades ago. Bookkeeping was mostly about adding up money and was mostly done for small businesses. “Race faster and be more consistent” would be the success mantra for accounting firms today.

Here are the five main reasons why accounting firms should try to be innovative and use business growth strategies:

  • It is thought that by 2020, millennials will make up 50% of the world’s workforce. If you want to build up your business, you need to meet the needs of these clients and their desire for digital solutions that are faster and more original. It’s time to switch from paper statements to files and records that can be found online.
  • Switching to business options in the cloud is good for both you and your client. Everyone always has access to important information, which reduces the number of connections. If you’re still using paper records to keep track of client information, you should think about it again.
  • Money is time. You can’t spend hours putting data into spreadsheets by hand when it’s so easy to do this automatically. Not to mention the mistakes that can happen when people enter data by hand.
  • People can meet and work together in real time through online collaboration. This is even more important for accounting companies, where consistent communication with the client is very important. This is becoming more important if you want to grow your business internationally and reach customers in other places.
  • Accountants used to just keep the books, but now they also give advice about money. Accountants need reporting tools that can give them detailed, real-time business data and access to advanced accounting department best practices management solutions. Traditional ERP systems, on the other hand, don’t have the tools to meet these needs.  Taimer, on the other hand, is a cloud-based centralized ERP system made to meet the growing needs of accountants in the digital age.

Also Read: 6 Steps to scale your Accounting Firm

Business Development Ideas For Accounting Firms

1. Build Strong Connections with Clients 

Who is the most valuable thing you have? Of course, your business! You need a central library where you can store all client information and get to it from anywhere, at any time. Information about an ongoing deal, recent and past activities, contact history, etc., is very important for getting and keeping customers.  

A CRM system, which stands for “customer relationship management,” can put all the information you have about your clients in one place. You can keep a full record of all your contacts with clients, which can help you grow your business. Unlike a worksheet or an Excel file, all of this information is easy to find and you can get any data you want with just a few clicks. 

2. Keep Track of Time and Money 

Accounting firms take care of taxes, salary, company spending, cash flow, and many other important accounting tasks for businesses.  If your company handles such complicated tasks for multiple clients, you need a way to keep track of the time and resources spent on handling these services, as well as a way to keep track of the hours that can be billed and the hours that can’t. This information can help you prioritize people who bring in the most money for your business and make more accurate predictions in the future.

3. Automate Manual Processes

Most accounting and CPA firms have trouble keeping track of billable usage because their employees spend so much time on manual and administrative tasks. 

People waste valuable billable hours on things like physically tracking work hours and writing them down in spreadsheets every hour. Another case is when employees have to keep track of client information and job progress by hand. All of this can be easily avoided by investing in digital solutions like software to track time or a method for keeping track of tasks. In the same way, having CPQ software can make the process of pricing and selling products easier.

Also Read: Essential Workflow Automation For Accountants

4. Create a Culture of Online Collaboration

When people can talk to each other and work together, work gets done faster. Email is a great way to communicate, but it can take a lot of time for accounting companies. The back and forth takes up a lot of time, and sometimes important emails get lost in the spam. Also, accounting companies have to deal with a lot of documents and resources, which should always be easy for both the customer and the accountant to find. 

Collaboration tools like Kanban boards can help you get feedback faster, share files in real-time, and work together. This, in turn, makes the client experience better. Also, if you have teams and clients all over the world, a way for everyone to talk to each other easily could help you manage teams online.

5. Create an Effective Invoicing System

If you want your business to scale, you have to make sure you get paid on time. This would mean making and sending invoices on time, getting reimbursed for costs, and keeping track of approvals and late payments. 

Invest in tools for creating and sending invoices electronically. For example, Taimer’s invoicing tool lets you bill for hours, bills, products, and expenses, and set up recurring and scheduled invoicing. It also tells you the billing rates for each employee and gives you a real-time look at billing projections for the next few months.

6. Improve Accounting Marketing Strategies

Don’t ever forget how powerful internet marketing and networking can be. Set up a presence on social media and give online consulting services. The key here is to reach out. Attend events in your field and keep in touch with potential clients who might become approved leads in the future. 

A good CRM system with activity scheduling features and calendar integrations can help you organize your events and tell you of upcoming ones, so you never have to worry about planning and scheduling.

7. Get Data Smart 

Even accounting firms need data, just like every other business. With real-time reports and smart business insights, accountants can combine data from all of their clients to help them run their businesses better. 

For example, a dashboard that shows you a full picture of your company’s expenses and income, billing estimates, goal costs, and cash flow would help you find new clients and focus on your most profitable ones.

8. Boost Productivity with Accounting Software Integrations

Accounting companies value time more than anything else. You could save both time and money by buying business management software that can be linked to other financial tools, e-invoicing platforms, and productivity apps.

For example, accounting software like Procountor, eFina, Talenom, QuickBooks, Netvisor, etc. that has e-invoicing features can be quickly connected to Taimer. With the integration, you can use Taimer to make digital invoices, bills, and expenses, and then send them to your financial software to get paid faster. This integration can help your business run more smoothly by automating financial tasks and doing a number of other useful things.

9. Choose a Method that you Would tell your Client to Use

If you’re an accounting firm and you want to do a better job for your clients, choose a solution that you can suggest to them and that meets their business needs. With an all-in-one system that handles accounting practice management, CRM, sales, invoicing, and project management, both you and your client can handle different tasks easily from one place. 


In conclusion, the next generation of accounting firms has a wealth of business development ideas available to them. By focusing on retaining existing clients and acquiring new ones, as well as leveraging the latest technologies and adopting comprehensive ERP solutions, accounting businesses can improve their processes, open up new revenue streams, and ultimately grow their business. With the right strategies and tools in place, accounting firms can position themselves for success in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

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